Monday, February 18, 2008

Hi, this is dDEMOCRACY Day 7, Falgun

In 1950, Ranas are in open conflict with King Tribhuvan implicated in Nepali Congress Party conspiracy against Rana power, seeks and is granted asylum in India; government troops desert to the rebel side; over 140 Ranas join the dissidents. Treaty of Peace and Friendship and Treaty of Trade and Commerce are signed with India. And in 1951, Mohan Shamsher capitulates; King Tribhuvan is restored to the throne; Mohan Shamsher heads new coalition cabinet for 10 months; he is secceeded by Nepali Congress Party leader M.P. Koirala as prime minister.

since than we know democracy day
Here no dought, the people wants lebration but these days are going worse on. Because tribe agitation is running in Tarai. This is our Liquid situation to establish Democrcy. Let's think about ooour denocracy

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