Sunday, April 27, 2008

No votes, no water: Maoist diktat in Panchthar

Accusing the people of Angna-5 village in northeastern district of Panchthar of not voting for their party, cadres of Maoists have cut the pipe of drinking water forcing the locals to trek four hours to fetch water.According to Chandra Dahal, secretary of the local user committee of the village, the Maoist cadres have cut the pipe in four places and have erected their party flags there.Most of the villagers are said to be supporters of Nepali Congress.The villagers say that the Maoists told them they would not let the people who did not vote for them to drink water. Consequently, they have been forced to trek up to four hours to fetch water from Tamor and Lumangdin rivers.The local people have registered a complaint at district police office. Meanwhile, discussions have been held in district headquarters to resolve the issue. The Maoist district in-charge Harka Nemwang has sought apology for the incident blaming the ‘new cadres’ for the ‘weakness.'

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