Thursday, July 16, 2009

Shutter Speeds and Apertures

When the shutter speed is important as with moving objects, it's a good idea to set the camera to 'Shutter Speed Priority' mode.

If you are getting photography fast moving objects such as vehicles or people running and plane flying you need to select fast shutter speeds to capture the sharpest picture you can. One exception to this is when you are planning the camera with the subject, the object of the exercise here is to render the subject sharply and blur the background, so a careful selection of the right shutter speed to do both is necessary.


Aperture is the term used to describe what is simply the hole in the lens

that light travels through to reach the camera’s sensor or film. This hole can be set at different sizes, and combined with shutter speed, you get the two main settings which control exposure.

There is some maths involved to get the actual values, but to be honest, that doesn’t really matter.

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