Friday, September 18, 2009

Press Meet about Mental Health

'BBC World Services made covered the summit extensively from the Athens,' said Jagannath Lamichhane, founder of the Nepal Mental Health Foundation in a press meet which is held in Dhokaima Cafe. 'So we have to cover mental health issues in nepali people' said Lamichhane 'On the BBC reporting high emphasis was given on the increasing threat of depression and suicide worldwide. Because of the direct suffering of mental disorders, one million people commit suicide every year worldwide.'

' We presented about the role of media for global mental health advocacy in the summit,' said Lamichhane ' It was the first opportunity for people involved in the movement to know each other face to face and share among the stake holders of mental health .'

Recognizing mental health as a biggest global challenge for this century, the First global health Summit concluded in Athens, Greece, on 2 September, 2009 was first summit ever held in the world. Around the world, mental health is emerging issues of human rights, education and social science crossing the limited boarder of health issues.

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